WTF: The Problem with Plastic *Partnered With Final*

Today, I am going to talk about plastic. Why? Because it’s a big f***ing problem! But lucky for us Emma , the founder of FinalStraw, is joining help us to debunk some common myths about recycling and give us some real tips on how to live more sustainably. I’ve laid out some bullet points below for easy reference as well.

Final’s Final Tips For Sustainable Living!

  • The saying goes REDUCE, reuse, and lastly recycle. So reduce!  
    I know, we’re millennials, we live for postmates. But seriously, we need to stop with this single use crap. Leave a note that you don’t want plastic utensils and use your own silverware. In today’s Corona-era, that’s not only eco-friendly, it will also significantly lower your risk of getting sick. Most of us have dishwashers, it’s really not a big deal to throw your leftovers in a tupperware container, preferably glass. On that note, consider using tupperware instead of ziplock bags and saran wrap. And let’s stop buying paper plates and plastic silverware all together. I mean, come on, we’re adults now. Paper plates stopped being cool after our 5th birthday party. And we need to save our money for toilet paper these days, right? 

  • When you’re grocery shopping consider what your food is packaged in and opt for a material that’s easier to recycle, like aluminum!

  • Purchase items in bulk whenever you can. (This is a triple win because it’s eco-friendly, cheaper AND saves you additional trips to the grocery.)

  • Stop buying new clothes! I made a pledge last year to buy no new clothes for a year, instead I thrift
    * Side note: that super cute jacket I’m wearing in the video….. thrift shop!

  • Say no to single use.
    This can apply to opting out of plastic utensils for delivery as well as saying no when you’re out eating out. I also keep my car filled with cute, reusable grocery bags so I can don’t need to use in- store plastic bags. 

  • Shop plastic free as often as possible.
    Buy your fruits and veggies without the plastic packaging. Purchase fresh bread instead of bread packaged in plastic. Bring your own bags for the rice and nuts bulk bins. I even buy one extra large soap bottle and then use it to refill my glass soap dispensers. I am going to start doing the same for shampoo, conditioner, lotion, all that stuff. Basically, do your best to avoid packaging as much as you can. Especially now when you want to avoid touching any non essential items when you go grocery shopping.